More works
Alta View Hospital - Grand Reopening Posters
Weber State University - Four Seasons Postcards Collection
Dominion Energy - The Benefits of Natural Gas Infographic
Here’s a quick infographic project I did for Dominion Energy that highlight the pros of natural gas. The idea was to create vibrant a graphic that can draw people attention and then let them explore the benefits by themselves. It was used as a flyer to mail out to customers and also as a poster in customer waiting lounge.
Ken Garff - Too Big For A Tent Event 15s pre-roll
This is another project that I didn’t have a chance to bring up during our interview. My roll in this project was to come up with a pre-roll concept that fit the theme “Too Big for a Tent”, illustrate, prepare the storyboard, and direct the animation of these spots.
Ken Garff - Scenic Routes billboards
It was the end of Winter and Spring was about to start. Ken Garff asked us to create a series of billboard with the traveling theme in mind.
Riverton Hospital - Hold On To Dear Life Bears Display
Here’s the Bears display we briefly went over yesterday. The point is to create something cute, uplifting, and at the same time can educate people about the eight important tips of how to keep their kids safe from Hold On To Dear Life program. The program logo is a white bear. But we didn’t want people to make any race-related assumption. So we went with a more standard looking teddy bear.
2015 E3 convention - PlayStation merchs
Early 2015, I was tasked with a freelance project to create some illustrations for Sony PlayStation to be used at E3 convention. The task was simple yet complicate. I was only given their logo sheet and told to be creative with it. In that year, Sony PlayStation was trying to promote a few steampunk themes game at E3 event. I took that inspiration and went to work.
Thank you for your time and consideration!